Kicking ass together: How to improve coding skills as a group

Over the last year and a half, I have worked with a small group of students and staff to create an excellent online learning community at Mendicant University. Unfortunately, because Mendicant is something that we’re intentionally scaling at a very slow pace, we won’t directly reach as many people as we’d like to any time soon. In this post, I’ve collected some of the things that I think contribute to making Mendicant University a great place to learn. I’d love...

   Code skill,Group,Improvement,Efficiency     2012-01-31 23:59:33

  How to choose a jQuery plug-in?

jQuery plug-in provides a good way to save time and simplify the development, programmers don't need to write each component from scratch. However, the plug-in will also be a destabilizing factor in your code library. A plug-in saves countless development time, but a poor quality plug-in will cost more than the actual time to write your own component from scratch. Luckily, usually you have many pls to choose from, but even if you have only one plug-in, you also need to know whether it's worth us...

   jQuery, plug-in     2012-10-27 03:51:40

  Performance is a Feature

We've always put a heavy emphasis on performance at Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange. Not just because we're performance wonks (guilty!), but because we think speed is a competitive advantage. There's plenty of experimental data proving that the slower your website loads and displays, the less people will use it. [Google found that] the page with 10 results took 0.4 seconds to generate. The page with 30 results took 0.9 seconds. Half a second delay caused a 20% drop in traffic. Half a seco...

   Website,Perfomance,Optimization     2011-07-02 01:52:12

  Popular Golang JSON libraries evaluation

JSON (Javascript Object Notation), a prevailing data exchange format, is widely used in various platforms and languages. Golang, of course, will never miss the support for JSON. And with its own standard library, such as those interfaces like the REST API from the API Service in Kubernetes, it can easily process JSON. Although Go’s library works great, we can still seek those open-source JSON libs in Github to maximize our efficiency. Then the features, performance, applicability of these ...


  How Can Anyone Still Hate Bill Gates

David Coursey from Forbes has a nice article on Gates titled - How Can Anyone Still Hate Bill Gates?There were a couple of line in Coursey's article that rang very true.All that money you think Gates stole from you? He’s giving it back, with interest, to the world’s poorest.All that money you think Apple has overcharged people? Apple still has it and Steve got and kept his share.Steve Jobs has fittingly had a long list of tributes. He was among the greatest technologists, busi...

   Bill Gates,Steve Jobs,Glory,Competition,Good guy     2011-11-05 07:08:56

  Fun With Numbers

Yesterday the NPD Group issued a report on U.S. tablet sales in the U.S., from January through October of 2011. Worth noting up front is that the numbers in this report are about sales — actual tablets sold to actual customers — not “shipments” from the factory to stores and warehouses.Much-reported on is that second-place went to HP, after its fire sale on the discontinued TouchPad. What hasn’t gotten much commentary is the extraordinarily contort...

   Tablet,iPad,TouchPad,HP,Market share,2011     2011-11-24 09:12:58

  Microsoft is transforming XBox into a PC controlled by expressions

According to the Voice of China "News Coverage" report. When Apple products are changing  the world, the original computer giant Microsoft is also quietly looking for their new foothold in the field of electronics. This time the breakthrough is from its game console Xbox.Xbox was originally a single function console, there are signs that Microsoft may be planning for the Xbox into the computer with new functions. The selling point of this new product lies in its function of communic...

   Microsoft,XBox,New PC,China     2012-04-01 06:57:04

  Kubernetes: Docker out

Recently,The hottest news in the Kubernetes circle that docker will be deprecated has been confirmed by the release of 1.20. Docker support in the Kubelet is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The Kubelet uses a module called “dockershim” which implements CRI support for Docker and it has seen maintenance issues in the Kubernetes community. We encourage you to evaluate moving to a container runtime that is a full-fledged implementation of CRI (v1alpha1 or v...

   DOCKERSHIM,DOCKER,KUBERNETES     2020-12-19 21:10:21

  Handling Plugins In PHP

A common problem that developers face when building applications is how to allow the application to be "plug-able" at runtime.  Meaning, to allow non-core code to modify the way an application is processed at runtime.  There are a lot of different ways that this can be done, and lots of examples of it in real life.  Over a year ago, I wrote a StackOverflow Answer on this topic.  However, I think it deserves another look.  So let's look at some patterns and common im...

   PHP,Plugin,Handling     2012-03-11 13:18:39

  Go Error Best Practice

Being indulged in Go for quite a while and having implemented web-related programs, grpc interfaces and Operators, I seem to be an advanced beginner now. However, I am still a raw hand in production-environmental debugging, which is cumbersome if done by querying logs or error messages. Imagine the scenario that a full-text search is called when the specific location of the error log is missing. Then what happens when those error logs are not only in one place? Yes, my error logs can no longer h...

   GO ERROR,ERROR HANDLING     2021-10-07 07:38:28